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About Longreach

At Longreach, media strategy, planning and buying sit alongside marketing strategy, bringing together core disciplines that often sit apart in silo’s.

We are part of a new breed of independent agencies, owned by people who run the business and significantly, who work directly on achieving great outcomes for our clients.

Our systems, access to research and media rate position is as you would expect of a large national agency (we are affiliated for buying and rate purposes with the largest buying group in Australia). Our key difference is that the people driving those systems are recognised as some of the most experienced in Western Australia.


We provide media and where appropriate, creative recommendations, that are based on an understanding of you and your market and backed by independent research analysis.

Our recommendations are “Board Ready” meaning our presentation style is provided in a format that can be presented and understood by all levels of your organisation.

As much as possible, we integrate into your systems and data to align reporting styles and minimise duplication of reports. And, most probably like you, we are continually monitoring, learning, adjusting and applying new knowledge as campaigns unfold.

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